Duality Game Engine community site

Making Variables Visible in Inspector


Beginner programmers in Duality may have begun to create their scripts, only to wonder why they can’t read/write variables in the inspector. In Unity, you would declare the variable as public or put [SerializeField] in front of the variable. However, both approaches will not work in Duality. So how would you go about doing this? Well, this snippet shows how to do this with a float variable, but it will work with any variable type, including integers, strings and booleans, as well as non-builtin types.

public class MyComponent : Component
    // Declare a field to actually store data in
    private float myVal = 17.0f;

    // Declare a property to access it for reading and writing.
    // The editor will use this in the Object Inspector.
    public float myVal
        get { return this.myVal; }
        set { this.myVal = value; }
    // Insert following code here.

This gets and sets data from and to the inspector and uses it at runtime.

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